Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Get out of the newspapers-experience life LIVE:)

A very interesting incident on Xmas day 2013:

Dropped my iPhone while riding on the highway in the morn... Now my initial reaction on dropping the phone was not to call the phone, but to enable its tracking app - you see people will always want to steal an expensive phone, especially the poor folks who sweep/ live along the highway. After experimenting with the app remotely,I finally skeptically called my phone-a man picked up and told me a sweeper on the highway picked it up and gave it to him and asked me to come collect it. I was still apprehensive.Whoever returns a shiny iPhone nowadays. He was definitely a thug and must have rounded his gang to extract money from me/ to follow me or whatever the newspapers say happen to naive women nowadays . Removed all my cards from the wallet ,messaged a friend my whereabouts and kept my swiss knife handy. Reached the place. The guy smilingly handed me over my phone. Tried paying him to give the lady who'd picked up and given my phone. But he said she has specifically said she wants nothing and he too said he has everything he needs:)..he just wanted to make sure the phone reaches its owner. This incredulous incident taught me a few things- 

1.How we have conditioned ourselves to trust so little. 

2. Gordon Gecko's famous 'Greed is good' works more with the 'haves' than the 'have-not's'. Contentment is the real wealth. Vasant's smile handing me over the phone was wider than my apprehensive and relieved smile 

3. We need much less than what we think we need. Life with a 1200 buck phone is peaceful.

Another incredulous fact this incident bought out was the fact that all the friends, family and acquaintances i shared this with were stupefied. It was not comprehensible that such a thing can happen in today's selfish and greedy times. We have been hypnotised into believing the "badness" of the world.

"Fear is not real.The only place that fear can exist is in our THOUGHTS of the FUTURE. We fear things that do not at present and may NEVER exist.Danger is very real but fear is a CHOICE"- After Earth

I get a lot of people asking me "How can you travel alone to another country where you know nobody with no pre-booked hotel reservations!Its UNSAFE! Don't you read the papers! Shit happens"

Yes, shit happens and it sucks but does it mean I assume a bad incident everytime I step out of the "safe" confines of my home?! Besides, meeting strangers IS great! its beautiful.It's not really just for that overwhelming sense of pride and freedom we experience, that first time we come back in one piece and yet we've been shattered into so many different pieces that lie in distant places with people we met places we felt and experiences that touched us...our innards have been shattered- in a good way. Our boundaries and ways of viewing situations have been broadened!

Recently read a very non-verbose simple piece by some mountain climbers who summed up their experience "Up there, there is nothing. Just the story you wrote with your own life to get there"

There are enough reasons that our closest peeps tell us why we musn't "do such things"...i think basically they're telling us "stop being naive and trusting so much".Mind you, these are the same God-fearing people who tell you to keep the faith in adverse situations , that we musn't lose faith in Him.... But they miss out the point that we really trust the universe with our heart without realising that we do! :)

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